Writing a Resignation Letter in Latex

Here’s a resignation letter I wrote earlier this year in Latex. Of course, such tasks are much easier done in Microsoft Word or Open Office, but I somehow enjoy using Latex to typeset documents. It’s not the most efficient and often not a practical solution, but if you ever need to quit your job, here’s a quick Latex document for that.

Screenshot from 2015-10-13 18:30:12




Abraham Mathew \\
Address, Apt \ \\
City, ST 55408 \\
720-648-0000 \\ 
[email protected] \\ 

Joe Smith \\	 
Director \\
Company AAA \\
1111 North Lewis \\
City, ST 22222 \\


Dear Mr. Smith,


The purpose of this letter is to formally notify you that I am resigning from my position as 
Statistical Analyst at Company AAA. My last day of employment will be March 23.


I'm very appreciative of the opportunities that were granted to me at Company AAA. Thank you 
for the guidance and professional support. Company AAA was a great place to work at; it's 
plenty obvious why the company is regularly voted as one of the best places to work. I wish 
you and the company all the best.


Abraham Mathew \\
